I only wanted to say: Merry Christmas to everybody!
Fröhliche Weihnachten!
Joyeux Noel!
Buone Feste Natalizie!
Feliz Navidad!
С частливого Рождество!
And of course: Boldog karácsonyt! :)
2009. december 25., péntek
2009. december 2., szerda
2009. szeptember 26., szombat
(End of) September
I know, it's a shame... But I don't have Internet in my flat, and if I come home, then I sleep as much as I just can. I think my english is already gone bad, I'm sorry, but I don't use it in the university, I'm learning russian.. :) And I also can't take any photos, because nobody wants to go with me, and alone it is not so fun in the city... I need someone who talks to me.
But as I can, I pick up my camera, and take photos. This time about the autumn.
But as I can, I pick up my camera, and take photos. This time about the autumn.
2009. augusztus 10., hétfő
2009. július 26., vasárnap
I've not written for a long time. Well, I was waiting.. for the point margins. And now it's already sure, I was admitted to the university! OMG.. I'm a bit afraid of that because it's in an other town far away from my home.. New faces and new places...
I hope it will be good..
I hope it will be good..
2009. július 15., szerda
No title
2009. június 28., vasárnap
I've heard some news... Not the best, so I'm very sad now.. I'm just sitting and looking out of my head.. and thinking.. What should have I done..? Almost crying..
It would be a normal, and happy post, if I don't ask.. and don't listen..
It would be a normal, and happy post, if I don't ask.. and don't listen..
2009. június 22., hétfő
This will be a short post, it's almost midnight, and I have too much to write... But just shortly: I made all my exams, so now the real summer can come. I also passed my language exam in english. Yesterday we had the banquet with a lot of fun and laugh, and champagne and red wine. After midnight we went home on foot with my classmates. x) Imagine 10-12 drunks going downhill at night. It was absolutely great. This was the last time we were together, so I'm a bit sad, but... The show must go on... And the good news; after spending whole days with learning german, I finally can take photos. :) ...and read, write my novel, stay up as long as I want, and yeah, do anything I want... I LOVE it. :)
2009. június 2., kedd
Between two german themes, I finally could take a few pictures. At the weekend, it was pentecost, me and my family went to Lake Balaton with car. It was great, I took more than 500 photos.
2009. május 29., péntek
With the exams before me, I'm very nervous. My first verbal exam will be on Thursday, one day before my birthday.. :) So, till then, no tv, no writing and no pictures... But my muse has already left me. And my English is also bad now...
Something cute in life..
2009. május 23., szombat
Stormy weather
I can't write too much, don't want to. It's May, awful stormy weather, too much to learn..
Stormy feelings.
Stormy feelings.
2009. május 18., hétfő
Birth in the family
OK, I know, I had to write a bit earlier, and I wanted to, but... My cat was pregnant, and on the 15th, she gave birth to three little, world's cutest kittens! :) The fourth was born dead...
One of the three cuties is black, one is black and white, and one is tiger-like.. :) They haven't got names yet, but I think, they will be Tiger, Panther and Weasel. :)
One of the three cuties is black, one is black and white, and one is tiger-like.. :) They haven't got names yet, but I think, they will be Tiger, Panther and Weasel. :)
In the picture is Tiger, the strongest and cutest baby cat.
2009. május 11., hétfő
Looks like Summer
I've already finished my exams, the next ones are going to be after a few weeks. I'm a bit happier now, I think I was succeed in the exams. =) After the last, I went to the fields, and took some photos. I felt it is already summertime, with a lot of freedom.
Yesterday, it was 36 Celsius, the sky was sooo blue, and everything was full of the scent of acacia. It was so soothing..
I love summer.. Yeah. Really.
2009. április 24., péntek
Busy April
I'm sorry for the long break without any pictures.. I was, and I am very busy. April is the busiest month this year. I had exam in English, and tomorrow, I'll also have one - this time, the verbal side of that. And because this is/was the last year in my grammar school, I only have three days left... Then I'll have a ceremony (I don't know, what does 'ballagás' mean in English..), this will be very sad... And then, the worst in thi year, the graduation.. Many exams, all along the summer. (Half summer...) But fortunately, we have great weather, and I can take a lot of photos. :)
This is one picture of my last photoshoot.
2009. április 2., csütörtök
New job
Guess what! I've found a job! My mother told me today that her boss wanted some pictures about our village, on the walls of their workplace. I was so happy when I heard it! It will be my task to take pictures. I've already taken some, but those are not perfect enough to hang them on walls in a really big size. OMG, that will be a really big and hard job! :]
2009. március 30., hétfő
My Cat
I love my cat. She's at least my twentieth cat. Mum has brought her home from the streets. She's a bit crazy and wild, a real wild cat, she doesn't like stroking or sitting in somebody's lap.. No. But I love her, especially, when she's going into my room in the mornings, and just sit on my bed when I'm still sleeping... :)
2009. március 27., péntek
This week was dark.. In every meaning. Although it's March, as I have written in many posts, it's cold and rainy, windy, etc. And this have caused many dark thoughts. And I'm sooo tired, and nothing can happen so, as I imagine it.. Now, I have enough...
2009. március 25., szerda
2009. március 22., vasárnap
Firstly: I don't know, whatabout I want to write... It's Sunday, End of March, almost April.. It was an interesting, but in many of its part sad month. (Is it a right sentence..?) In the school we've seen a very sad video about animals. It was a project of two of my classmates. We've almost cried. This video was about, how Americans treat animals. It was disgusting and maddening. I know that not only Americans do this, but....
Because of this, I'va made a lot of pictures of my two cuties, Tücsök (in English: cricket), and Cinci. Tücsök is my dog, and Cinci is my cat. :)
Isn't they cute? Could you hurt them?
Because of this, I'va made a lot of pictures of my two cuties, Tücsök (in English: cricket), and Cinci. Tücsök is my dog, and Cinci is my cat. :)
Isn't they cute? Could you hurt them?
2009. március 15., vasárnap
15th March
This day is our National Day. It's the day of the Hungarian Revolution of 1848. You can read of this HERE in English. Sándor Petőfi was a key figure in the Revolution, and also the author of the Nemzeti Dal, our third Hymn, so to speak. Today, most of the people wear cockade and go to different programmes.
2009. március 12., csütörtök
2009. március 8., vasárnap
A day for the women
So, today is the 8th of March. It's the day of the women. (Anyway, by us in Hungary it is.) So ladies, girls and women, it's a day for us, let's have a cocktail, ignore the housework, and let the boys give us some beautiful flowers! And just relax! =)
(My cat is doing the same. :) )
2009. március 4., szerda
Elfoglaltan... / Too busy
Rengeteg tennivalóm van. Itt van egy fotópályázat, egy írásos pályázat, egy angol tanfolyam, és nem utolsósorban a suli. De az ihlet sehol. Ami azért is gond, mert már régóta nem csináltam egyetlen képet sem...
I have a lot to do. Here is a photography competition, a writing competition, an english course and the school of course. But the inspiration is nowhere. And this is the problem, because I haven't taken any photo for a long long time...
(It's also an "old" picture from one or two months. I've already said I love the clouds! :))
I have a lot to do. Here is a photography competition, a writing competition, an english course and the school of course. But the inspiration is nowhere. And this is the problem, because I haven't taken any photo for a long long time...
(It's also an "old" picture from one or two months. I've already said I love the clouds! :))
2009. február 27., péntek
Lebegés / Fly away..
Végre hétvége! Már nagyon jól jött, olyan álmos és fáradt vagyok... Hihetetlenül kimerítő hét volt, annak ellenére, hogy szinte alig volt valami "akció"... De mindjárt jön a Lebegés, az Álom..
Oh, it's finally weekend! It has come in the best time, I'm so tired and sleepy.. This week was very tiring (and also boring), although there wasn't any "action"... But now comes the Hovering, and the Dream..
PS:The song of Nickelback is just fit this picture.: "I am so high I can hear heaven..."
Oh, it's finally weekend! It has come in the best time, I'm so tired and sleepy.. This week was very tiring (and also boring), although there wasn't any "action"... But now comes the Hovering, and the Dream..
PS:The song of Nickelback is just fit this picture.: "I am so high I can hear heaven..."
2009. február 24., kedd
Világ / The World
Ma elgondolkoztam a világon. És az embereken. Olyan különös, hogy én ebben a pillanatban itt ülök és írom a bejegyzést, éjjel van, majdnem éjfél, más pedig, a világ másik oldalán talán épp most kel fel, megy iskolába vagy a párja kezét fogva sétálgat a napsütésben. Furcsa és egyben csodálatos.
Today I've reflected on the whole world. And on the people of It. It's so strange that I'm still sitting here and writing this post, it's already night, almost midnight, and an other person on the other side of the world is maybe still waking up, going to school or holding the hand of the partner in the sunshine. It's a bit weird but wonderful.
Today I've reflected on the whole world. And on the people of It. It's so strange that I'm still sitting here and writing this post, it's already night, almost midnight, and an other person on the other side of the world is maybe still waking up, going to school or holding the hand of the partner in the sunshine. It's a bit weird but wonderful.
2009. február 22., vasárnap
Az ötödik / The Fifth
Itt az ötödik bejegyzés. Az ötös a kedvenc- és egyben szerencseszámom. Ötödikén születtem, hiszonÖtödikén van a névnapom, és eddigi életemben rengetegszer segített nekem az ötös. (Főleg a suliban.. :)) Szóval ez egy jelentős szám. Ígyhát ebben szerettem volna megköszönni az eddigi kedvességet, a kommenteket és az olvasást. Köszönöm! :)
Here is the Fifth post! The Five is my favourite- and lucky number in one. I was born on the Fifth , my nameday is on the twenty-Fifth, and in my life so far the Five have helped me many times. (Especially at school.. :)) So this is a significant number. So, in this post I would thank everybody for their kindness, comments and reading. Thank you! :) xoxo
Here is the Fifth post! The Five is my favourite- and lucky number in one. I was born on the Fifth , my nameday is on the twenty-Fifth, and in my life so far the Five have helped me many times. (Especially at school.. :)) So this is a significant number. So, in this post I would thank everybody for their kindness, comments and reading. Thank you! :) xoxo
2009. február 21., szombat
Dögunalom / Everything is boring
Helyzetjelentés. Kint hideg van, az ég még mindig szürke, Még a hó is esik néha. Bent szintén hideg van, és minden szürke. De legalább a hó nem esik... Rásztántam magam pár portré készítésére, meg a macskát sem hagytam békén. Közös kép azonban nem született. Túl élesek a karmai...
After some days I'm writing again.. It's a short summary of the day. Not an interesting thing I know. There is cold outside and the sky is still grey. And it's also snowing sometimes.. Inside there is also cold and everything is grey and boring. But there isn't any snow at least.. But finally I took some (self)portraits, and about the cat too. But with her I didn't make any photo. Her claws are too sharp..
After some days I'm writing again.. It's a short summary of the day. Not an interesting thing I know. There is cold outside and the sky is still grey. And it's also snowing sometimes.. Inside there is also cold and everything is grey and boring. But there isn't any snow at least.. But finally I took some (self)portraits, and about the cat too. But with her I didn't make any photo. Her claws are too sharp..
2009. február 15., vasárnap
Éjjeli bagoly / A night owl
Hehe, folytatom régi jó szokásom, és éjjel van nappal számomra. Most nálunk hajnali 2 van, csak hogy igazoljam, miért is írtam az első mondatot.
Gondolkoztam, és rájöttem, hogy mi is a baj az én technikámmal fényképezés terén. Én és a gépem nem vagyunk még egy páros... Úgyértem nem cipelem folyton magammal, mert egyszerűen nem tudnám elővenni csak úgy az utcán, és kattintgatni, mindenki szeme láttára. Azt a sok rosszalló tekintet, hajjaj... Meg kéne tanulnom ezt. Fényépezés=feltűnés. Nemrég láttam egy műsort, amiben az éppen fényképezni tanuló srác azt mondta, hogy még meg kell szoknia, hogy a fényképezéshez gyakorlatilag rengeteg bátorság kell, pedig ő aztán egy igazi félénk egyén..
Hát igen, pimaszság is kell ahhoz, hogy csak úgy bárkit bárhol, bármikor... Hosszú az út a profizmusig.. ^^
I'm following my good old habit, and the night is the day for me. Now it's 2 at night by us, just to verify, why I've wrote my first sentence.
I have thought about and find out, what's exactly the problem with my technic in photography. Me and my camera aren't ONE couple.. So I mean I don't take it with me always, because I can't do it, just take it out in the street, and click, click, before everybody's very eyes... How many disapproving looks, OMG... I can imagine this. I should learn this. But taking pictures is sensation. Not long ago I had seen a tv-programme, a guy, who just learned photography said in it, that he must learn, that for photography you have a lot of courage, although he's a shy guy.. Yeah, you need also a bit cheek to "anybody, anywhere, anytime"... Yeah, it's a long way to get professionel.. ^^
Gondolkoztam, és rájöttem, hogy mi is a baj az én technikámmal fényképezés terén. Én és a gépem nem vagyunk még egy páros... Úgyértem nem cipelem folyton magammal, mert egyszerűen nem tudnám elővenni csak úgy az utcán, és kattintgatni, mindenki szeme láttára. Azt a sok rosszalló tekintet, hajjaj... Meg kéne tanulnom ezt. Fényépezés=feltűnés. Nemrég láttam egy műsort, amiben az éppen fényképezni tanuló srác azt mondta, hogy még meg kell szoknia, hogy a fényképezéshez gyakorlatilag rengeteg bátorság kell, pedig ő aztán egy igazi félénk egyén..
Hát igen, pimaszság is kell ahhoz, hogy csak úgy bárkit bárhol, bármikor... Hosszú az út a profizmusig.. ^^
I'm following my good old habit, and the night is the day for me. Now it's 2 at night by us, just to verify, why I've wrote my first sentence.
I have thought about and find out, what's exactly the problem with my technic in photography. Me and my camera aren't ONE couple.. So I mean I don't take it with me always, because I can't do it, just take it out in the street, and click, click, before everybody's very eyes... How many disapproving looks, OMG... I can imagine this. I should learn this. But taking pictures is sensation. Not long ago I had seen a tv-programme, a guy, who just learned photography said in it, that he must learn, that for photography you have a lot of courage, although he's a shy guy.. Yeah, you need also a bit cheek to "anybody, anywhere, anytime"... Yeah, it's a long way to get professionel.. ^^
Itt a második / The Second One
Az első bejegyzésemnél sikeresen elcsesztem a betűtípusokat az előbb. Pedig még csak nem is péntek 13 van...
Ma egy képet sem tudok csinálni. Az idő pocsék, az ég szürke és a szél is fúj. Nyarat akarok és szép napsütéses időt, ahol csak úgy ezerszámra lehet csinálni a képeket.
In my first post here I have destroyed the font types. Although it isn't Friday 13 today...
Today I can't make any photos. The weather is ugly, the sky is gray and the wind is blowing too. I want summer, and beautiful sunny weather, when thousands of pictures could be taken.
So, this on the top is one of my pics from the last year. Oh yeah, Happy Valentine's! :D
2009. február 14., szombat
A kezdet / The Begin
Üdv. Milyen érdekes, hogy éppen Valentin-napon kezdem el írni életem sokadik (vagyis 3.) blogját. :) Az még érdekesebb lett volna, ha tegnap kezdem, mert hát péntek 13 sokkal misztikusabb. Abban a reményben hoztam létre a blogot, hogy kezdő fotósként eddig nem igazán profi képeimet valaki megnézi, véleményt alkot róluk. Esetleg felfedeznek. Vagy felhasználják a képeket valami jó helyen. :) Ja és az angolul olvasóknak mondom: sok a helyesírási hibám, de azért talán el lehet olvasni, amit írok.
Sok pusz. Blanka
Hi All! How interesting to begin my 3. blog on Valentine's Day. :) It would be more interesting, if I began it yesterday, because the Friday 13th is more mysterious. I've created my blog beacuse I'm a beginner in photography and I hope that somebody will watching my photos, and will make comments. Or I would be discovered. Or somebody would use my pictures somewhere... :) Oh, and I would also say: I have many spelling mistakes, but I hope it can be read, what I write. Lot of Love. Blanka
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