2009. február 21., szombat

Dögunalom / Everything is boring

Helyzetjelentés. Kint hideg van, az ég még mindig szürke, Még a hó is esik néha. Bent szintén hideg van, és minden szürke. De legalább a hó nem esik... Rásztántam magam pár portré készítésére, meg a macskát sem hagytam békén. Közös kép azonban nem született. Túl élesek a karmai...

After some days I'm writing again.. It's a short summary of the day. Not an interesting thing I know. There is cold outside and the sky is still grey. And it's also snowing sometimes.. Inside there is also cold and everything is grey and boring. But there isn't any snow at least.. But finally I took some (self)portraits, and about the cat too. But with her I didn't make any photo. Her claws are too sharp..

4 megjegyzés:

  1. Beautiful self-portrait.
    Like a Renaissance painting.
    Now I will if I can read Hungarian (?)
    and figure out how to send this message.

  2. very pretty portraits!!! thanks for stopping by my blog !! have a great day..

  3. nice pics. im from brazil. if u want to be my viwer please go www.marcosalmeida08.blogspot.com
